
Be the Brightest Person in the Room

Hedy is the only AI tool that provides real-time, customized insights and recommendations to help you excel in your business meetings and classes.

Hedy is currently invite only. Sign up for our waitlist to be notified when it is available!



SaaS Webflow Template - SanDiego - Designed by Azwedo.com and Wedoflow.com
Screenshot of Hedy AI appScreenshot of Hedy AI appSaaS Webflow Template - SanDiego - Designed by Azwedo.com and Wedoflow.com

With Hedy at your side, you'll be the brightest person in the room.

Hedy is designed to be your AI-powered meeting assistant.

Hedy provides real-time support and insights to help you excel in your business conversations and classes. Here's how it works:

SaaS Webflow Template - SanDiego - Designed by Azwedo.com and Wedoflow.com
Start your meeting or attend class as usual, and Hedy will listen in and analyze the conversation in real-time.
SaaS Webflow Template - SanDiego - Designed by Azwedo.com and Wedoflow.com
Set your perspective filter before your meeting or class to ensure Hedy provides insights tailored to your specific context.
SaaS Webflow Template - SanDiego - Designed by Azwedo.com and Wedoflow.com
Receive relevant thought-starters, insights, and recommendations from Hedy via a discreet interface, and ask questions for additional support.
SaaS Webflow Template - SanDiego - Designed by Azwedo.com and Wedoflow.com
Review and reflect on the insights provided by Hedy after the meeting to apply the knowledge to future conversations.
Real-Time Assistance

Hedy provides thought-starters, insights, and recommendations in real-time, ensuring you're always quick on your feet and ready to contribute meaningfully to the discussion.

Screenshot of Hedy AI app
Customized Perspective Filters

Tailor Hedy's expertise to your specific needs with our range of perspective filters, including leadership, emotional intelligence, and DEI considerations.

Screenshot of Hedy AI app
Instant Insights

Ask Hedy questions during your meetings and receive immediate, relevant insights to help you navigate complex topics and make informed decisions.

Screenshot of Hedy AI app

Be the
brightest person in the room.

Sign up for the waitlist now!

Be the first to use Hedy when it becomes available in your region.