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Hedy Now Speaks Your Language: Introducing Multilingual Support

While Hedy continues to listen to and analyze English conversations, it can now provide insights, answers, and recommendations in multiple languages.

July 29, 2024

At Hedy, we're on a mission to make you the brightest person in the room, no matter what language you speak. Today, we're thrilled to announce a major leap forward in achieving that goal: Hedy now offers multilingual support!

Breaking Down Language Barriers

While Hedy continues to listen to and analyze English-language conversations, it can now provide insights, recommendations, and answer questions in multiple languages. This means you can participate in English-language meetings and receive Hedy's brilliant assistance in your preferred language.

Languages Supported

Hedy now offers responses in:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Chinese (Mandarin)

How It Works

  1. Set your language preference in Hedy's settings.
  2. Join your English-language meeting or class as usual.
  3. Activate Hedy to listen and analyze the conversation in real-time.
  4. During the meeting, ask Hedy questions in English or your preferred language.
  5. Receive insights, answers, and recommendations in your chosen language.

Why This Matters

This update is a game-changer for several reasons:

  1. Inclusivity: Non-native English speakers can now fully leverage Hedy's power, getting real-time insights in their native language during English meetings.
  2. Enhanced Understanding: Complex topics become easier to grasp when explained in your preferred language, even if the original discussion was in English.
  3. Language Learning: By comparing English conversations with Hedy's translated insights, you can improve your English skills while ensuring you don't miss any crucial information.
  4. Global Business Preparation: For those preparing to enter international markets, Hedy can help you understand English meetings through the lens of your target language.

Real-World Applications

Imagine you're a Spanish speaker in an English-language business meeting. As your colleagues discuss quarterly results, Hedy provides you with real-time insights in Spanish. You can ask Hedy to explain complex financial terms, and it responds in Spanish, ensuring you're always on the same page.

Or perhaps you're a Japanese student in an English-language lecture. Hedy listens to the professor and provides summaries and key points in Japanese, helping you grasp difficult concepts more easily.

I've been in meetings where I wished I could understand every nuance, every implication. With Hedy's multilingual support, we're leveling the playing field. Now, language proficiency doesn't have to limit your ability to be the brightest person in the room.
― Julian Pscheid - Founder, Hedy AI

Looking Ahead

While this update marks a significant milestone, we're not stopping here. We're actively working on expanding Hedy's capabilities to understand and analyze conversations in multiple languages. Our goal is to make Hedy a truly global AI assistant, capable of making you the brightest person in the room in any language.

Your Feedback Matters

As always, your input is crucial in shaping Hedy's future. We encourage you to try out the new multilingual features and let us know what you think. What languages would you like to see added next? How can we further improve your experience?

Get Started Today

To access these exciting new features, make sure you've updated to the latest version of the Hedy app. Then, simply go to settings and select your preferred language.

At Hedy, we believe that language should never be a barrier to brilliance. With this update, we're one step closer to making that belief a reality for users around the world.

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